Feb 24, 2016

Cinderella Plastic Surgery, Nose Implants (Silicone vs Ear Cartilage)

What are nose implants?

When you do nose surgery, the surgeon will place some materials into your nose to make it look more structured, defined, and beautiful. There are many cases where nose implants are needed for example flat and short noses.

What are the types of nose implants that our hospital use?

Our hospital uses different kinds of implants but we will introduce the most widely used implants in all plastic surgery in Korea which are silicone and ear cartilage.

I-Shaped? L-Shaped? Silicone implants?

These implants are made from silicone. The only difference is I-shaped implant only covers the nose bridge therefore it will make your nose bridge higher. On the other hand, L-shaped covers nose bridge and nose tip which makes your nose bridge higher and it adds more definition to your nose tip. The implants can be sculpted and shaped according to patient's needs so there is no worries about sizing.

I-Shaped vs. L-Shaped implants
Source: gobizkorea.com

How about Cartilage as an implant?

The cartilage can be taken out from 3 places which are your ears, rib cage and your septum (nose). The most common ones that are used in our hospital are ear and septum cartilage. For patients who want to have more natural looking nose in oppose to very high and defined nose usually goes for cartilage for their nose implant choice.

Thin vs. Thick Skin

People might have thick or thin skin on their nose. Thicker skin can protect nose implant such as silicone better. What if you have thin skin? There are some ways to go around this problem. For example, the doctor can add a layer of material that can act as additional skin to be the barrier for your implant. Another option is you can use your own cartilage as it is ideal for people who have thinner skin as it is not too high and it is basically your own body tissue so it is safer and more natural and it lasts longer.

Silicone vs. Cartilage

Which one should you go for? This is such a tricky question as everybody has different preferences and body conditions. People who would like to have straighter, higher and more defined nose usually go for silicone implant. People who like more natural look and dislike putting other materials and feel comfortable with their own body tissue usually goes for cartilage implants. There are things that you should consider when choosing implants such as cartilage can be absorbed by the body and over time they might curl up, twist or shrink. Sometimes one's cartilage is too weak or the amount maybe lacking therefore it may fail to create the desired and definition to your nose. Silicone on the other hand does not shrink and stay the same over a long period of time.

Before & After Photo (Nose Surgery)

We hope that we have given you basic and simple information regarding the implants that our hospital mostly used. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by email or line!

Online Consultation : cindyen@cindyclinic.com
Line ID: Cinderella_en

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