Nov 7, 2015

Cinderella Plastic Surgery Tips: Breast Augmentation

Having a beautiful body-line is dream of every woman in the past few decades. Especially, time which discloses plastic surgery itself comes, eye, nose surgery and breast implants became catch on with trend. But if people climb up on operation table thoughtlessly, they may suffer from side-effect. So, caution is indispensable.
Various information about Breast Implants are very easy to encounter through internet. But, as there is information that are wrong or fact without confirmation, if you consider about surgery seriously, you should go to qualified specialist rather than internet. So, what we need to consider to having a safe and effective breast implants?

What is latest trend of breast implants?

Ways of breast implants are self-fat grafting and implantation of artificial breast prostheses or do the surgery with both ways together. Saline solution and Cohesive-Gel are representative prostheses. Recently, Co-gel(Cohesive-Gel) which has natural touch is in use. 

We can classify again accordance with shape and surface. First, Round-type which is fills in upper part of chest. Second, Waterdrop-type which is make slim in upper part and give volume in under part to look similar with real breast

Normally, we decide prostheses and have surgery accordance with individual thorax. Waterdrop Breast Augmentation is for people who have thin body type with narrow thorax. And Round-type prostheses are for people who want to make their breast bigger with wide thorax.
When we look into kinds of prostheses accordance with surface, there are smooth-type and texture-type. Smooth-type is transparent with smooth surface and need massage after the surgery, this type is accompanied by pain but after recovery, natural touch is advantage.
Meanwhile texture-type is opaque with rough and thick surface and doesn’t need massage after surgery because it sticks at skin tissue. Most People who consider about breast implants prefer texture-type due to have natural Waterdrop shape.
Recently, as HD high-definition endoscope which is sharper 5 times than general endoscope can observe surgical parts directly and precise desquamation on breast tissue is possible. It makes breast implants more safely and delicately with preventing unneeded loss of nerve and blood vessel tissue and decreasing bleeding and pain. So people need to consider whether they have HD endoscope or not when they choose the hospital.

Are they progress customized diagnosis, analysis and consultation before the surgery?

Ideal of breast implants is mostly for bigger breast. But it’s desirable to find suitable size accordance with individual body type, harmony of entire body line, characteristic and constitution of skin etc. If you prefer only unconditional tremendous breast, you may have unnatural look as if you put upside down bowl on your chest. So, when you have consultation, you should wear prostheses and anticipate how you will be look like after the surgery.
One important thing you should know about breast implants is prostheses’ touch and size is inverse proportion. The bigger prostheses, the more space around prostheses are inevitably small and breast tissue has to expend. In other words, if you choose one, you have to give up other.

So, you should choose a hospital where they recognize what patients want and recommend optimal surgical procedure which may best for you through precise diagnosis and analysis. Not the hospital where they only madly fall in love with making idiotic enormous breast.

Do doctors have plenty experience of breast implants? 

As breast implant has to consider not only keep their breast's main function, but also external part, you need to check whether there are specialists who have plenty experience of breast implants, and they use certificated prostheses and qualified equipment or not. Especially, Breast implants with using HD high-definition endoscope gives big satisfaction to patient with shorten recovery time, decrease pain, minimum incision and precise desquamation. However, this surgery will progress with more delicate skill than old procedure. WE recommend you to check the doctors whether they have plenty experiences or not.

Exhaustive care before and after the surgery
Breasts implants are popularized but still it’s complicate and difficult surgery. Side effect such as capsular contracture could prevent from close follow-up service. Actually, the most concerning part of breast implants is capsular contracture that body doesn’t accept prostheses and perceive as a foreign substances. So around of prostheses become hard and cause pain. So, even after the successful surgery or even patients are possible to leave the hospital in the very day, People must have exhaustive care after surgery.

Therefore, we recommend you to have sufficient relaxation and hospitalization in order to have wanted shape and size. Also, you should avoid drinking and smoking and when you sleep, you should sleep with right posture and support your chest with pillow in order to ease pain. We recommend light stroll rather than immoderate exercise. As some problem occur due to indifference of after care, you should get treatment from hospital well and watch the development of the affair. For the breast implants, Hospital’s systematic equipment and system and Specialists’ plenty experience and sure-handedness are very important factor. But, Don’t forget that Patients efforts are also very important as well as hospital’s effort. 

Online Consultation :

Cinderella Plastic Surgery

1 comment:

  1. A lot of women who have very small breasts are self-conscious because of them as they believe that having smaller breasts makes them less feminine. As a result they will avoid wearing certain types of clothes, such as bathing suits and not feel confident in their own skin. When you have breasts that you’re comfortable with, you no longer have to feel self-conscious, which again, is great for improving your self-esteem.

    breast augmentation services philippines
