Nov 5, 2015

Cinderella Plastic Surgery, Power Ptosis Correction™ (Sleepy Eyes / Droopy Eyes Surgery)

Are you worried about sleepy eyes?

We call it normal eyes when one's pupils are revealed about 80%. But when one's eyelid is drooped or the vertical width of eye is short and it covers pupil, it can make sleepy appearance.
The most common reason of sleepy eyes is the strength of muscle which lifts eyelid is weak. This case is called ptosis and it can cause asymmetric eyes and sleepy eyes. 

Sleepy eyes can be corrected when double eyelid surgery is performed together with ptosis correction. 

Surgical procedure of ptosis correction

1. Design of double eyelid line in a way customers want

    We make surgery plan after checking customer's condition and then design ideal double eyelid line considering customer's request.

2. Incision along double eyelid line and connecting muscle and eyelid skin tissue

We incise skin tissue and then remove useless skin tissue, and then adjust levator muscle which lifts eyelid skin so it can keep eyelid from drooping.

3. Delicate execution not to let scar remain

We delicately finish procedure not to let scar remain and to prevent recurrence. 

Before-and-after photos of ptosis correction

Online consultation:

Cinderella Plastic Surgery

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