Nov 5, 2015

Cinderella Plastic Surgery, Paranasal Augmentation

What is Para Nasal Augmentation (Facial Implant)?


It is surgery to fill up sunken area around your mouth (smile line implant), and silicon implant is commonly used for para nasal augmentation.
It can improve nasolabial fold and create three-dimensional face contour. Effect is semi-permanent.
It is simple surgery which make intraoral incision and insert silicon implant, and then suture.

1. Surgical procedure of Paranasal Augmentation
1. Customized implant for each individual
We get precise data through x-ray examination, anaylze individual's soft tissue, and trim the implants in a way that your face look natural after implant insertion.
2. Implant insertion
Make 1cm incision inside your mouth and insert implants into the desired site.
3.Perfect triple fixation of implants  
We fix three parts of implant so the risk of movement of the implant  is much lower.

2. Autologous Fat Grafting


Surgical method of autologous fat grafting 

     1. Harvest of fat
         We harvest fat from thigh or abdomen after anesthesia.
     2. Centrifugal separation
         We separate impurities from harvested fat using centrifugal separator.

     3. Fat grafting 
         We graft fat in depressed parts of face around mouth. Fat is inserted into 

         subcutaneous fat layer and muscle, so it can make natural-looking and balanced face.

3. Filler Injection


It is appropriate for the face that nasolabial fold is not severe. You can see the effect in a short period of time and a daily activity is possible right after treatment.

Online Consultation :

Cinderella Plastic Surgery

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