Nov 9, 2015

Cinderella Plastic Surgery, Rhinoplasty (Deviation)

What is deviated nose correction?

If you can see your nose is deviated, bone structure inside your nose is more likely to be crooked together with your nose bridge.
So in order to correct deviated nose we have to correct both nose bridge and nasal cartilageAlso we have to check if septal cartilage is deviated.

If your nose has functional problem like nasal congestion or rhinitis, these can be improved after deviated nose correction.

Requiring cases of deviated nose correction

If your nose is deviated so your face is not in balance
If your nose is less crooked but you have disease related to nose
If your nostril is not symmetric
If your nose became deviated after nose surgery
If revision is needed

Surgical method of deviated nose correction

1. If nose is not severely deviated

 We can correct deviated nose by inserting implants like silicon.
Or we can trim projected part of nose and insert implants into sunken part of nose to correct deviation and make natural shape of nose.


2. If nose is severely deviated

 We can correct deviated nose by inserting implants like silicon.
Or we can trim projected part of nose and insert implants into sunken part of nose to correct deviation and make natural shape of nose.


Before & After Photo ( Deviation )


Online Consultation :

Cinderella Plastic Surgery

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